ISMSEL 2020 Conference brings together researchers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world.
The conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
Accepted papers will be published.
The topic includes but not limited to:
Mathematics: Algebraic Geometry | Algebraic Topology | Approximation Theory | Calculus of Variations | Category Theory | Homological Algebra | Coding Theory | Combinatorics | Control Theory | Cryptology | Geometry | Difference and Functional Equations | Discrete Mathematics | Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory | Field Theory and Polynomials | Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics | Fourier Analysis | Functional Analysis | Functions of a Complex Variable | Fuzzy Mathematics | Game Theory | General Algebraic Systems | Graph Theory | Group Theory and Generalizations | Image Processing, Signal Processing and Tomography | Information Fusion | Integral Equations | Lattices, Algebraic Structures | Linear and Multilinear Algebra | Matrix Theory | Mathematical Biology and Other Natural Sciences | Mathematical Economics and Financial Mathematics | Mathematical Education | Mathematical Physics | Measure Theory and Integration | Neutrosophic Mathematics | Number Theory | Numerical Analysis | Operations Research | Optimization | Operator Theory | Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations | Potential Theory | Real Functions | Rings and Algebras | Statistical Mechanics | Structure Of Matter | Topological Groups | Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms
"Statistics: Analysis of Big Data | Asymptotic Statistics | Bayesian Statistics | Bioinformatics | Biostatistics | Business Analytics and Econometrics | Causal Inference | Clinical Trials | Computer Intensive Methods | Cross-disciplinary Engagement | Environmental Statistics | Epidemiology | Experimental Designs | Extreme Value Analysis | Financial Statistics | Functional Data Analysis | Genetics and Genomics | Graphical Models and Networks | High-dimensional Statistics | Imaging and Signal Data | International Engagement | Limit Theory | Longitudinal Data Analysis | Medical Statistics | Missing and Incomplete Data | Multivariate Statistics
Nonparametric Statistics | Official Statistics | Probability Theory | Risk Analysis and Risk Management | Robust Statistics | Role and Importance of Statistics in Australia | Sample Surveys | Social Statistics | Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistics | Statistical Computing | Statistical Education | Statistical Modelling | Statistics and Distributed Computing | Statistics in Government | Stochastic Processes | Survival Data Analysis | Theoretical Frameworks for Big Data | Time Series and Forecasting"
Education: Theory of Education | Assertive and Assistive Educational Technology | Comparative Education | Counseling | Cultural Literacy | Curriculum Studies | Distance Education | Early Education | Educational Change | Educational Policy | Planning and Practice | Educational Psychology | Education and Public Policy | Educational Research and Statistics | E-learning, Health Education | Tertiary Education | Innovative Education | Information & Library Science | International Exchange Programs | Language Education | Liberal Education | Mathematics Education | Medical Education | Physical Education | Science Education | Secondary Education | Special Education and Technology Education
Law: Accidents & Injuries | Arbitration & Mediation | Bankruptcy & Debt | Car & Motor Vehicle Accidents | Civil Rights | Consumer Issues | Criminal Law | Dangerous Products | Divorce & Family Law | Education Law | Elder law & Aging | Employee’s Right | Estates & Probbate | Health Care Law | Immigration Law | Intellectual | Internet Law for the Public | Justice and legal studies | Lawsuits & Lawyers | Real Estate | Securities Law | Small Business | Social Security and Retirement | Any other topic related to Education